Dream about stagnant water, Jesus says stagnant is sometime bad and sometime good. If we talk about stagnant water in dream, it means your life is standing at some point. If you feel peace because of this, then it is good for you. But if you feel anxious it means, water is stagnant from outside, but it is very turbulent from inside.
When Dream about stagnant water is good:
We often see deep rivers looks like stagnant from outside, but they run faster inside. So if you see stagnant water of a river in dream, it means you have something big plan in life, and your life is going to be changed positively very soon.
When Dream about stagnant water is bad:
If you are seeing stagnant water of lake or pond, it means your life is stuck, because lake or pond water do not runs inside. Water becomes stale after some time. Your life will be ruined after some time.
Read These Also:
1. Dream about stagnant
water, it symbolizes stagnancy, and evil curses are in place. It
indicates unprofitable investment and struggle to excel in whatever you
lay your hands on. Kindly review your relationship with God and monitor
some people that are bad examples to your life. Sometimes the causes for
dream about stagnant water can be sign that your business, career,
marriage, or business is about to crumble. Ask the Lord to arise and
help you from long term satanic bondage. (Pray and fast for 3 days 6am
to 3pm). I cancel the yoke of non-achievement placed upon me, in the
name of Jesus.
Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/125-most-common-dream-symbols-and-their-interpretation/
1. Dream about stagnant
water, it symbolizes stagnancy, and evil curses are in place. It
indicates unprofitable investment and struggle to excel in whatever you
lay your hands on. Kindly review your relationship with God and monitor
some people that are bad examples to your life. Sometimes the causes for
dream about stagnant water can be sign that your business, career,
marriage, or business is about to crumble. Ask the Lord to arise and
help you from long term satanic bondage. (Pray and fast for 3 days 6am
to 3pm). I cancel the yoke of non-achievement placed upon me, in the
name of Jesus.
Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/125-most-common-dream-symbols-and-their-interpretation/
it symbolizes
stagnancy, and evil curses are in place. It indicates unprofitable
investment and struggle to excel in whatever you lay your hands on.
Kindly review your relationship with God and monitor some people that
are bad examples to your life. Sometimes the causes for dream about
stagnant water can be sign that your business, career, marriage, or
business is about to crumble. Ask the Lord to arise and help you from
long term satanic bondage. (Pray and fast for 3 days 6am to 3pm). I
cancel the yoke of non-achievement placed upon me, in the name of Jesus.
Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/125-most-common-dream-symbols-and-their-interpretation/